What does the union and community win at Webb Dock mean
Editorial from The Pen It is obvious that the outcome of the dispute at Webb Dock is important. It means that the worker who had been denied employment is back at work and for the […]
Editorial from The Pen It is obvious that the outcome of the dispute at Webb Dock is important. It means that the worker who had been denied employment is back at work and for the […]
By Ugly The Turnbull government’s attack on GetUp is still going on. The first stage was to accuse the online campaign group to be an “associated entity” of the Labor Party and the Greens. The […]
By Ugly Residents at Oakey have been fighting an ongoing battle for recognition of the health damage, caused by contamination coming from the nearby air force base.
By Joe Montero Yesterday (30 November 2017), Malcolm Turnbull announced a Royal Commission into the banks – well sort of. This is an inquiry you have when you don’t want to have one. There is […]
The Darling River is dying under the yoke of greed and mismanagement but for most people it is a case of out of sight, out of mind.
By Joe Montero The banks are pressing the federal government to open industry superannuation funds to them, by allowing employers greater discretion in choosing funds for their employees. At present, unless the employee has chosen […]
By a pensioner Reeling from the exposure over the inhumane way Centrelink treats those it is supposed to be helping, seems to have taught the organisation and the political heavies that call the tune, absolutely […]
This account of working in one of Melbourne’s most iconic restaurants, draws attention to the need for urgent action put an end to this practice, which is widespread in the hospitality industry. The owner of […]
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