There are zero affordable rentals for a single person on Newstart and Youth Allowance in major cities
From Patrick Forrest/the Feed Jane is receiving more or less the maximum amount you can get on the dole – about $350 a week. But her rent is $375.
From Patrick Forrest/the Feed Jane is receiving more or less the maximum amount you can get on the dole – about $350 a week. But her rent is $375.
By Ugly When Greenpeace, with the assistance of journalist Michael West, took on the ground breaking task of investigating the reasons why the fossil fuel industry has so much influence over politicians, using them to […]
The Australian Council of Social service (ACOSS) released a new analysis of the federal budget on 6 May. ACOSS is the peak body of the community services sector, and has been highly critical of corporate […]
By Jim Hayes On 3 May United Nations experts accused the United Kingdom of breaching Julian Assange’s human rights and for his release from prison.
By Joe Montero Even to the most cynical, it should have become plainly obvious now. Julian Assange is not in custody for criminal behaviour, unless you believe informing us of wrongdoing by individuals in high […]
Greg Jericho (The Guardian 25 Apr 2019) makes some very good points in the following article. At the moment, the Australian economy is doing even worse than it has been in recent times. This is […]
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