By Ugly
I have been a supporter of GetUp for some time and I make a regular financial contribution. Tens of thousands of people like me keep the online activist network alive.
This allows a collective voice that has proved to be a thorn in the side of not only the government, but the whole political establishment.
GetUp has been effective for one basic reason. It gives form to widespread discontent over the state of politics in Australia, and it brings in a measure of grass roots participation. Many of us feel that we have no real voice.
We are not listened to, by politicians, who look from where we’re , to be no more than a bunch of crooks. The only answer left is to get together and make a noise.
The prime minister’s recurring attacks on GetUp deny this.
If we had faith in our leaders, none of us would feel we need to give our support to groups like GetUp. Anybody with even a shred of honesty would admit this. Unfortunately, honesty is in short supply with our current political leadership.
Scott Morrison and his government choose to brand GetUp as some sort of manufactured plot to undermine them. Hence the raids in the online group’s and a union’s Sydney offices, which were part of an ongoing and cynical attempt to draw a connection with the Labor Party and the Greens.
The lie continues mud slinging that has become the government’s political weapon of choice. There is no appetite for seriously debating the issues.
Another inquiry means four major attacks on GetUp in a short period, aimed at tewlling Asutralia that this is not an independent organisation. It was mentioned by the prime minister at the recent meeting of the South Australian Liberal Party Sate Council.
GetUp is accused of being an “associated entity.” This means it is really a Labor Party/greens front, and that it should be treated as a political party in its own right.
Evidence to prove this has not and can not be presented, becuase it isn’t true.
A point worth mentioning is that, big businesses contributions to certain political parties are not treated the same way. Loopholes to hide much of what is handed over are kept in place. The money spent by lobbyists to gain favours is kept from public view.
The inquiry will be conducted through the parliament’s government dominated Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, which will deliver already determined findings some time in mid-2020. The intention is to create grounds for tougher disclosure standards relating to funding and campaign material.
Anyone who knows anything about GetUp will tell you that, independence from all political parties is one of its core principles, and that without this, it would not have been able to achieve the success that it has enjoyed.
Attacking GetUp is one way to deflect attention from the really important issues, like the state of the economy, the declining standard of many government services, and the failure to act on climate warming.
It is also more than this. Growing nervousness within the government’s ranks is creating an atmosphere, where the fear of criticism is growing and resort to heavy handed ways to silence voices is becoming more pronounced.
This is why the defence of GetUp is important.
Please chip in to defend GetUp.
G’Day Guys & Gals,
I feel bad for not being able to chip in, but I’m a Severely Disabled Pensioner & in the middle of a lot of surgery on liver & bladder cancer, I can hardly afford food after many medications that are not covered by P.B.S. but I have nearly always supported you by Signature On Petitions to Parliament. Mostly because I’am a Pensioner living on a Pension 30 to 40% below poverty level, this is not the Pension I paid for, a life in poverty, while for as long as i can remember, back in the 70’s when John Howard transferred 400 million from Pensioner Funds to top up political pensions, & now when i look back at it, what basically John Howard foresee was the need to top up a fund he knew that sooner or later he would have his nose in the trough & spending taxpayers monies, how corrupt is that & I have to live with the fact that things wont get better under ScuMo, because he is as sympathetic as a block wall covered in bullshit, Refusing to give Pensioners & Newstart Victims a bloody decent payrise, kick start our economy again, get people spending with their payrise, it certainly wouldnt hurt & may just lift the spirits of people to recover from minor illness’s, people would be walking around with head up, being able to afford to go out again, & maybe, just maybe, people would start smiling, again not only lifting your spirits as smiling is contagious, BUT NO ScuMo wont be happy till we are in the gutter, & as far as i am concerned the Election should be done again with Palmer banned this time from influencing Australia’s voting by throwing billions into it because Palmer knew if LNP won election the billions would soon becoming back by way of tax exemptions, tax grants. If one mans money can influence a election it should be void. Darryl.