ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie is joined by Karen, who is on JobSeeker, to speak about what a huge difference to her wellbeing the increased rate of JobSeeker has made. Karen speaks about it being easier to eat well, cover bills, and feeling less anxious and depressed.
It is a story being echoed across the country, including in our survey of 955 people on JobSeeker on Youth Allowance, which we released this week.
Read the results of the survey here: https://www.acoss.org.au/…/200624-I-Can-Finally-Eat-Fresh-F…
It was reported last week that the Government is considering a permanent raise to JobSeeker as part of its July 23 economic statement. Let’s push as hard as we can over the next 4 weeks to make sure we not only secure a raise, but a raise that ensures people on JobSeeker do not get forced back into poverty.
*Sign up to Raise The Rate campaign: www.raisetherate.org.au
*Register to contact and meet with your Member of Parliament: https://raisetherate.org.au/contact-your-mp
*Share your story about receiving JobSeeker: https://raisetherate.org.au/share-your-story
*New to JobSeeker? New to the Raise The Rate campaign? Register for our Welcome Session to learn more about the campaign: tinyurl.com/y7bsncd2
Video from the Australian Council of Social Service
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