Cashless Welfare Debit Cards: Lived Experience, Other Facts and Stats.
A LIFE campaign online event featuring Kathryn Wilkes, leader and coordinator of No Cashless Welfare Debit Card, and Amanda Smith from The Say No Seven

Tuesday 6 July 2021 – 07:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
RSVP and invite your friends at the Facebook event.
For some years Kathryn, Amanda and their groups have been patiently explaining why these cards are so damaging to the lives of low income Australians, including First Nations peoples. Further, they have been providing practical solidarity to people, especially low-income women, whose lives have been harmed by the card.
Recently, Anthony Albanese added the ALP’s voice against the compulsory and privatised character of the current card system. Over the next 12 months or so there is a real chance that the card system as we know it can be defeated.
It’s time to learn all about what the cashless welfare debit card is, how it came about, why it is so destructive and how it can be defeated. This event is tailored for activists in unions, political parties, welfare groups, student organisations, pensioner organisations, and media so that you can encourage others not directly affected by the card to help put it to an end.
Join Zoom Meeting – link also available at the Facebook event.
Meeting ID: 874 2322 3617
Passcode: 860058
One tap mobile
+61861193900,,87423223617#,,,,*860058# Australia
+61871501149,,87423223617#,,,,*860058# Australia

RSVP and invite your friends at the Facebook event.
We’re the LIFE Campaign and these are our demands
1. $550 a week for income support
2. No-One Left Behind!
3. End Harassment! For Social Security with Dignity.
4. Secure homes for everyone
5. Well paid, socially useful, sustainable work that mitigates climate change
LIFE’s full Statement of Demands
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