
Video: Rebel Diaz comes to Australia
Rebel Diaz are in Australia. The hip hoppers from the Bronx in New York, have performed with Public Enemy and and Rage Against the Machine, with their hard hitting rebel songs. They use using music […]

Australia needs a Bill of Rights
Australia is the only Western liberal democracy that does not have a Bill of Rights Repressive legislation, racism and the move to the extreme right, here and across the world, have resulted in the loss […]

Increasing resistance to Church and social justice movements in the Philippines
A Social Policies Connections forum featuring Sister Pat Fox Sr Pat Fox grew up in Box Hill, and joined the Sisters of Sion in 1969. She began by working with street kids and women in […]

No More War On The Poor Rally
Fair Go For Pensioners is holding a rally in Melbourne, on Sunday 23 May at 11:00 a.m. The place is out the front of the Stat Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston Street. Go to Fair Go For Pensioners Facebook […]

March on Palm Sunday for justice for refugees
Adelaide 2pm, Victoria Square, march to Parliament House Facebook event here

Video: Big business has too much power
This advertisement is part of the new Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) campaign to change the rules and should be seen by everyone. This is how toady’s reality feels to millions of Australians.